
All the information on Steve's Domestic Blindness Information Page should be treated as a load of, well, crap. It's just another one of those elaborate useless pages that can be found at all corners of the web. I'm not responsible for anything that happens to you because of something stupid you did after reading the page. It's just a bit of fun and practise doing HTML (yeah, I know I'm not very good) and just goes to show that even though I thought I had a life, I really don't. If, however, you enjoyed reading the page and laughed (or maybe grinned slightly) when you realized you were never going to find the "Continue" button, well, good for you. Thanks for visiting. Oh, and I've found a bit of blinking and headshaking can sometimes help.

The version of the Domestic Blindness Information Page is posted by Simon Lyall with the permission of the orginal author Steve Agland .

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